Children 18 months or older are very well taken care of while Mom and Dad are enjoying some alone-time.
- Takes place with 2 Children or more
- «Snowli Club» at Silvretta Parkhotel
- Our childcare centre offers a limited number of care places.
- Please let us know if your Child is sick, has allergies, dietary issues or any further important information about your child.
- Please keep your Cell Phone close at hand in case that we need to reach you.
- The Snowli Club is bookable together with our Ski Lessons in Snowgarden.
- Please keep in mind our Check-In and Pick-Up times
Check-In Morning: 8.30 – 9.30 am
Pick-Up Morning: 11.45 am - Noon
Check-In Afternoon: 1.15 – 1.30 pm
Pick-Up Afternoon: 4 – 5 pm
Lunch time care can also be booked.
For further Information please contact us at info(at) oder +4181 410 28 28.